GTH land purchase based on ‘factually wrong’ information

Author: 2017/09/11

REGINA, SK: The Global Transportation Hub based its decision to pay too much for 204 acres of land on information that’s “factually wrong,” according to documents obtained through freedom of information requests and a report issued by the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner. In light of this revelation, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation is renewing its call for a full and independent audit of the GTH land deal.

“Everyone knows the GTH paid too much for the 204 acres, but it’s never been clear why,” said Todd MacKay, Prairie Director for the CTF. “It’s now clear that the decision was based on ‘factually wrong’ information.”

GTH officials presented a document to the GTH board on Dec. 19, 2013, recommending the purchase of 204 acres of land for $21 million. The document states the GTH’s own appraisal valued the land at $12 million. However, the document also refers to another appraisal provided by an unnamed appraiser.

“A Cash Flow-Subdivision Development Analysis, done in February 2013 by [appraiser’s name redacted] placed the value of the land at $129,556 per acre,” states the document obtained by the CTF through a freedom-of-information request. “Total estimated value $26,463,100.”

The CTF asked Information and Privacy Commissioner Ronald Kruzeniski to review whether the numerous redactions in the document were legal. Commissioner Kruzeniski recommended that some of the redacted information should be released, but cited an unusual reason for keeping secret the identity of the unnamed appraiser the GTH cited as valuing the land at more than $26 million.

“The third party asserted that what has been released would be clearly attributed to the third party and it is factually wrong,” wrote Commissioner Kruzeniski. “I find that the name of the third party when combined with the information already released in the paragraph could cause the harms alleged by the third party.”

The fact that key information is “factually wrong” is an important revelation.

“The unnamed appraiser cited by the GTH document is saying information presented to decision makers is ‘factually wrong,’” said MacKay. “Sadly, this ‘factually wrong’ information may have influenced the government’s decision to overpay for GTH land. The bottom line is clear: we need a full and independent audit to get taxpayers the answers they deserve for the millions wasted on the GTH deal.”

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For more information, please contact:

Todd MacKay – CTF Prairie Director – 306-582-7717 – [email protected]

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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